Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wow, I have a journal space now

I've been wanting to journal for years. I fear that my desire to put pen to paper has slowly alleviated over the years. Keyboarding is definitely my thing...words flow better...thoughts seem to trickle down through the tips of my fingers.

I'm Karen and I have MS. And I also have huge, swinging emotions in relation to my disease. Don't worry, I see a therapist on a regular basis. ; )  I won't be wielding any axes or the like anytime soon. And I'll do my best not to bite your head off...bad genetic habit of mine. It takes practice in reactionary time and response. But I'm working on it. Never stop working on getting rid of bad habits.

Speaking of which, I just quit smoking cigarettes. After 30+ years of smoking. I put them down. I'm surprisingly at great peace with this decision. And it's going just like I thought and my doctor thought it would. One day I'd just wake up and say "Enough." And that's what I did. I'm already feeling more liberated. Unfortunately, I now have a sinus infection that has developed the last couple of days. I'm thinking major toxins are trying to escape out of every opening and pore on this old body of mine. Yes, I'm drinking lots of water; always have, always will. I'm binge eating, but I'm making myself aware of it so  don't substitute one addiction behavior with another.

Well, it's 1:45 a.m. and I'm listening to Glenn Beck. Like him or not, he's entertaining and a thorough researcher. G'night...